My 1st Hair Cut at the Saloon

Usually Ah Ma, will be the one to trim my hair, but Daddy thinks that it does not bring out my handsome look. :P So he decided to bring me to the saloon despite my protest..

So in preparation, Mummy bought a packet of my favorite Ribena thinking that it would distract me. However before Daddy even step into the saloon, I already started to wail.. But in order to get me used to the idea of going to the saloon, Daddy went against my wish and got the stylist to go ahead while carrying me with him.

Arrggg.. I started to kick and screech and the whole saloon was filled with my voice! But I didn’t care, I just want to get out of it.. The buzzing of the trimmer and the pricking of the hair is just too much for me to take!

So finally, I had a good hair cut.. But Daddy and Mummy’s clothes are all covered with my hair.. Hahaha!

Even after this, whenever Daddy and Mummy ask if I wanna cut my hair? I would shake my head rigorously and shout “Mai mai mai” Kekeke..

Daddy took some 'mug' shots of me using his Handphone. Will upload it once I have it from Daddy!

Here's my photo!

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X'mas Celebration at Sentosa

Since it is a public holiday, it is such a waste to be staying at home isn't it? So Mummy suggested to go out and play! So we have decided to go Sentosa..

Ai yo.. The place is so big that we only managed to visit 2 attractions.. The Underwater World and Dolphin Lagoon! However that is enough to entertain me throughout the day. :D

We had a pleasant surprise when we reached the Underwater World, the Q is so long that we had to wait for approximately an hour just for the tickets. Sigh.. The place is all packed with tourist! Well, but since we are here we just got to wait patiently for our turn. We should be visiting such places during normal days..mmm..

But once we are in, all the waiting is really worth it! I am so captivated by all the different species of fishes and underwater creatures!

Here's Daddy trying to introduce the fishes to me.. Errr..Is the fish coming for me??


A nice family picture taken by a kind tourist.. Hehehe..


The second destination, the Dolphin Lagoon! 
 PC250575  Don't the pink dolphin look adorable! I keep pointing to them whenever they swim near me!

After the Dolphin show, I had a power nap and started the splashing! The best way to end the day at Sentosa!


Here's more picture of us:

Merry X'mas


Oh...This is the 2nd time that I am celebrating X’mas! It is unfortunate that Gu Ma and my cousins are unable to join us this time round as their house in Malacca was broken in. They were so upset that they decided not to travel up to celebrate X'mas with me. Well, it is still enjoyable with Daddy and Mummy by my side! :D Did you see 2 boxes of X'mas gift beneath the our Christmas Tree? That is a present from Linger Gu Gu to us! So sweet of her..

Let me see what is it..


It's my favorite Thomas and Train again!!! Thanks Gu Gu!

My 2nd X'mas Pressie

Thanks Yi Yi Rena for giving me such a wonderful X'mas gift again! The difference between last year is that I know how to unwrap the pressie myself.

Pressie pressie1
pressie2 pressie3

See how I enjoy playing with Thomas!

X'mas Meetup

It's been a while since I meet up with Auntie June and Yi Yi Weiting.. Ai yo.. they keep complimenting me till I so pai say.. Hehehe..


While taking a photo of the 3 of us, suddenly 2 Santa Claus walk passed us and Mummy requested them to join us for the photo.. But Mummy, I don't want to take photo with them! Coz they look too skinny to be Santa! Waahahaha..


My 1st Christmas Pressie

In May this year, Mummy got to know from the forum that there was a toys sales at No. 1 Lok Yang way which is really very near our home. Unfortunately I was down with ITP at that time and had missed such a great sales.

Mummy was thrilled where she saw the sales banner up again! This time round, she promise not to miss it again. And with that Daddy and Mummy bought an early Christmas Pressie for me! Thanks Daddy & Mummy, I really love the present and had an endless time playing with it! Muck!


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