Visit to the Science Centre


Daddy and Mummy noted that I am very interested in animals and sea creatures as I could remember almost all their names. So she though I would be interested in the “Under the Sea” show at Omni-theatre. It  was really an eye opener for all of us! Hope Daddy and Mummy would bring me back again and not be turn off my my 十万个为什麽?Hehe!

But, …could you get the T-rex off from Science centre before I get to watch the show? I am so worried that it would gobble me up!

Didi can Walk

Oh yes.. Didi finally pluck up this courage to start walking without any assistance!

Mummy feel so blessed that she has always been able to witness some important milestones achieved by us..

Clap clap..

Another milestone achieved by Didi.. Let’s give him a round of applause..

Our Ikea Stool


This has been a very useful tool to assist babies to start working… This has been proven again with Didi who is now very proficient with the use of it.. So dun waste money buying walkers! Go for Ikea stool.. :D

My New Blogskin

Yes, it is finally completed!!

Mummy really spent a considerable effort in doing this blogskin such that she does not have any time to update my blog! Changing the skin is not that difficult, it is doing up the interactive flash header that has given Mummy a big headache.. E.g. trying to find a webpage to host the file and of course drawing the flowers, butterfly and clouds. (Oh yes, Mummy had drawn them using the flash application!)

Hehe.. She took the opportunity to attend a course on flash so that she is able to do this for us.. (hopefully she can apply this skill on her job as well :P) Although quite amateurish but hope you will like it!

Gu Gu’s ROM

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We are really happy for Gu Gu on her biig day! As she does not have any intention to have a massive event it was organised in a chalet.. It was such a nice a cosy evening for all of us… Hereby we wish her happiness in her marriage and looking forward to having another play mate soon..

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