A Taste of My Toes

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Finally..After so many attempts I got to taste my toes today!!! Taste pretty 'interesting'.. kekeke.. Mummy keep encouraging me to suckle so that she is able to take photos for me.. In order not to disappoint her I cooperated.. Here's me with my cute little toes in my mouth..

After Daddy is back from work, we went Jurong Point as usual.. and not forgetting our usual hidout.. Kiddy Palace.. Mummy being very kiasu decided to buy a lot of things for me in advance so as to beat the GST hike next month. E.g Pampers (in L size) and some clothes as well. Daddy got to keep reminding Mummy not to buy too many clothes for me as I outgrow them very fast. All credits go to mummy for feeding me so well.. Thanks Mummy.. :)


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