My Genting Highlands Trip- Day 1

Daddy and Mummy decided to make use of the Deepavali long weekend to go for a short trip in Genting together with Ah Ma & Ah Gong. However as it was a last meeting planning, most of the rooms in Genting are all taken up it was only left with First World Hotel which is only a 3 star hotel. Anyway they still decided to proceed as it is being there and enjoying ourselves which is more important.

We decided to drive up there instead, so in order to beat the crowd, we had got to wake up at 5 in the morning to travel to second link. Sigh.. Who knows everyone had the same mentality as us, the queue is extremely long and it took 2 hours before we reach the Singapore Custom. So I decided to take a nap first instead.. Hehe..

After a long 6 hours drive we finally reached our destination..Daddy decided to go pai pai first.. See I am really very 诚心 pai pai'ing..


When Mummy told me to show a Victory sign when taking photo, I just could not get it right. But I just though it looks quite similar.. :P


You can see more photos of me performing that hand sign.. hehe



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