I am 2 years old!


Yippee.. I am already 2 years old! And finally I can blow candle for my own birthday.. Hehehe.. Although I just turned 2, but Ah Mah, Daddy and Mummy has been complaining that I am behaving like a ‘Monster’. I would scream, cry, lie on the floor and smear my saliva all over if I don’t get what I want. And of course telling me off just doesn’t help. Sometimes, I really drove them to the extreme that they had to use corporate punishment e.g. slapping my hands and pulling my ears. It really pains them to be doing that..

Despite that, I know I am still loved.. :D

It has been since a while Mummy update my milestones.. So being at 2, I can proudly say that I am capable of achieving the following on my own:

Physical Development

  • Run safely, avoiding obstacles and is very mobile
  • Climb up onto furniture
  • Push and pull large wheeled toys
  • Walk up and down stairs, usually putting two feet on each step without any assistance
  • Kick an object with precision
  • Jump with both feet together
  • Draw circles, lines and dots
  • Build a tower of six or more blocks with a longer concentration span
  • Able to pedal my tricycle and control the handle with ease.
  • Able to operate the DVD player
  • Drinking from cup
  • Can go toilet on my own to pee

Cognitive/Intellectual Development

  • Follows instructions and requests… such as ‘Please bring me the toy’
  • Recognise shapes like circle, triangle, star and square
  • Recognise directions.
    E.g. when the car is reaching home/Ah Ma’s house, I would unbuckle Daddy’s and own seatbelt.
    or When Daddy and Mummy says we are gg to Gu Gu’s house (which is just a few blocks away) I would pedal my bicycle in front of Daddy and Mummy and led them there.
  • Demand for things, e.g. Yakult, Kai kai..
  • Hums to songs
  • Recognise and expresses pain and location. When I hurt myself, I will run over to Ah Ma to say “pain pain”
  • Able to recognize most of the items in the ABC chart.
  • When Daddy is not around, I will ask Mummy, “Daddy, where??”

Social And Emotional Development

  • Is very curious about the environment
  • Likes to help others E.g. clean the house with magic clean, insist in helping to wash the dishes (more of playing with water :P).
  • Is very eager to try out new things
  • Plays more with other children
  • Does not like sharing toys with other children (Thanks to my cousins who taught me this 'important' lesson)
  • Inpatient, I don’t like to wait!
  • “Mai” = “No” is my favorite word now!
  • I am the Boss, will expect that people follow my instructions
  • Temper tantrums (as mentioned above)

Language Development

I am very good with 1 syllabus words, but when it comes to 2 syllabus or more, Mummy realized that I like to ‘eat up’ the syllabus. For e.g. the word ‘Open’ I just like to say ‘pen’. She has to painstaking repeat the words several times till I get it right. Sometimes, I get so impatient that I just run away.. Hehehe..

Recently, Mummy has been teaching me the word ‘Helicopter’. She got to break it up to ‘Heli’ and ‘copter’. I can say both of them very well, but when I put both together it just gets distorted..

The listing are just some of the things that Mummy can think now.. Not exhaustive though.. ;D

Mummy hope that I will be able to communicate better using language instead of some baby languages and signs that I use in this year. 


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