My appetite has been so good that I have been asking for food almost every hour. Well.. Mummy says it is to make up for the lost of the food intake for almost a week. :)
As for Didi he is finally home! Initially the nurse has told Mummy that Didi might be discharged on Monday but after the doctor's rounds, they decided to monitor for a couple of days. This is because Didi has only been off caffeine for 3 days and they need 5 days to ensure that he is doing well without the effect of it.
Here's Didi sleeping at the comfort of Ah Ma's house..
Mummy's heart really ache looking at Didi's tiny and skinny body. Didi's weight had drop from the initial 2.398kg to 2.17kg. She swear that she would make Didi looking chubby with her 爱心 breast milk! Work hard Mummy! :)
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