
DSC00524This is really a very contradicting T-shirt that Didi is wearing, as Mummy is going gaga over the milk intake for Didi. Initially Didi has been drinking about 4.5 oz of milk every 3 hours, but it seems that he has been refusing milk for the past few days. When Mummy try to push the teats into his mouth he would scream and cry as if we are torturing him. Even if Mummy try to latch him on, it would yield the same effect.. She has tried all ways like rocking him while feeding him or to wait till he sleep. Sometimes it works but sometimes it doesn't. Mummy has read from the forum that she is not the only one facing his problem. But she is still worried that Didi is not getting enough. Moreover Didi has not pass motion for more than a week liaoz. Although it is also very common for TBF babies but she wonders if it is due to that that Didi is not drinking well?? Other than that, Didi has been active and happy. Think she will monitor for another few days before bringing Didi to see a pd.

Mmmm.. She hopes that it is a passing phrase and Didi's milk consumption will be back to normal again.


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