Jareth’s Performance

IMG_9893Out of 20 students in Jareth’s class, only 4 were selected to take part in the 2010 graduation performance. And yes, Jareth were one of them who were being selected!

They were the youngest in the performance group. Was pretty worried that he might not remember the moves/song during the performance. But oh mine.. when the music starts he was dancing and singing along with it. Not even showing any signs of stage fright nor embarrassment! Kindos to him!

Can you imagine what a proud mother I was that night! So proud and happy that slight tear were welling up my eyes! Wahahaha….


Enjoy his performance here!


lifeisboring said...

nice! but i was still expecting that the whole clip is focus on ur boy, never to expect u stop at other kids more.. haha

Baby Jareth said...

Haha! Cos the clip is from the school. I was too far to get a good shot

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